美国从以色列向乌克兰转移了90架爱国者导弹拦截器,以加强对俄罗斯的防御。 US transfers 90 Patriot missile interceptors from Israel to Ukraine to boost defense against Russia.
美国已经通过波兰将大约90架爱国者导弹拦截装置从以色列储存地转移到乌克兰。 The United States has transferred around 90 Patriot missile interceptors from storage in Israel to Ukraine via Poland. 此举旨在加强乌克兰对俄罗斯攻击的防御,标志着自冲突开始以来,以色列运送了大量武器。 This move aims to bolster Ukraine's defense against Russian attacks, marking a significant weapons delivery involving Israel since the start of the conflict. 2023年4月被以色列退役的爱国者将并入乌克兰现有的防空系统。 The Patriots, decommissioned by Israel in April 2023, will be integrated into Ukraine's existing air defense systems.