电视主持人Charlene White在萨拉科马癌症倡导者Darrell死后悼念朋友Darrell, TV presenter Charlene White mourns friend Darrell, a sarcoma cancer advocate, after his death.
电视主持人Charlene White向她的亲密朋友Darrell致敬, Darrell是在与Salcoma癌症进行四年半的战斗后去世的。 TV presenter Charlene White honored her close friend Darrell, who died after a four-and-a-half-year battle with sarcoma cancer. 达雷尔(又称DJ光学)成为该疾病的代言人, 2024年英国萨尔科马(Sarcoma United Kingdom)命名为“国际年灵感”。 Darrell, also known as DJ Optic, became an advocate for the disease and was named 'Inspiration of the Year' by Sarcoma UK in 2024. Charlene分享了他们从16岁起的终身友谊的照片和回忆,表达了她的悲痛并称赞他的妻子Amy。 Charlene shared photos and memories of their lifelong friendship since age 16, expressing her grief and praising his wife Amy. 女性共同明星向Charlene提供了支持。 Fellow Loose Women co-stars offered support to Charlene.