泰国通过老挝连接曼谷与中国的高速铁路项目现定于2030年开始,推迟了几年。 Thailand's high-speed rail project, connecting Bangkok to China via Laos, is now set to start in 2030, years delayed.
泰国旨在通过老挝连接曼谷与中国的高速铁路项目现定于2030年开始运营,比原定时间表落后了近10年。 Thailand's high-speed rail project aimed at connecting Bangkok with China through Laos is now slated to start operations in 2030, nearly a decade behind the original schedule. 泰国境内609公里段部分是部分建造的,第一阶段连接曼谷和Nakhon Ratchasima的占36%。 The 609-km segment within Thailand is partially built, with the first phase linking Bangkok and Nakhon Ratchasima 36% complete. 该项目是中国 " 带和道路倡议 " 的一部分,旨在加强各国之间的贸易和经济联系。 This project, part of China's Belt and Road Initiative, aims to enhance trade and economic ties between the countries.