警长办公室正在寻找失踪的 14 岁少年 Summer Shelley,最后一次出现在新市场。 Sheriff's Office searches for missing 14-year-old Summer Shelley last seen in New Market.
麦迪逊郡治安官办公室正在寻找14岁的Summer Shelley,自1月25日以来失踪。 The Madison County Sheriff's Office is searching for 14-year-old Summer Shelley, missing since January 25. 最后一次见到她是在新市场Hornbuckle寡妇路上,她穿着黑帽衫、黑色耐克短裤和灰色运动鞋,背着背包。 She was last seen on Widow Hornbuckle Road in New Market, wearing a dark hoodie, black Nike shorts, and gray sneakers, and carrying a backpack. Shelley被描述为4尺10英寸高 体重120磅 棕色头发和蓝眼睛 Shelley is described as 4'10" tall, weighing 120 pounds, with brown hair and blue eyes. 任何有信息的人都应与Todd Lowder警探联系,地址是tlowder@madisoncotyal.gov或(256)533-5881。 Anyone with information should contact Detective Todd Lowder at tlowder@madisoncountyal.gov or (256)533-5881.