科学家们测试一个干细胞补丁 它可以帮助治疗人类的急性心脏衰竭 Scientists test a stem cell patch that could help treat advanced heart failure in humans.
研究者开发了干细胞肌肉补丁 显示出治疗心脏衰竭的希望 Researchers have developed a stem cell-based muscle patch that shows promise in treating advanced heart failure. 在猴子身上成功测试,现在在人类的小试验中, 从重新编程的血细胞中生长出来的补丁, 目的是增强心功能。 Tested successfully in monkeys and now in a small human trial, the patch, grown from reprogrammed blood cells, aims to boost heart function. 如果在规模较大的研究中证明有效,它可以为治疗选择有限的病人带来希望,有可能稳定和加强心脏肌肉。 If proven effective in larger studies, it could offer hope to patients with limited treatment options, potentially stabilizing and strengthening heart muscle.