Planet 获得了一份 $230M 的合同,为亚太合作伙伴建造多达 32 颗卫星。 Planet secured a $230M contract to build up to 32 satellites for an Asia-Pacific partner.
卫星公司Planet达成了一项2.3亿美元的合同,这是其最大的一笔交易,为亚太区域的一个商业伙伴建造了32颗Pelican卫星。 Satellite company Planet secured a $230 million contract, its largest deal yet, to build up to 32 Pelican satellites for a commercial partner in the Asia-Pacific region. 该合作伙伴将获得其所在区域的卫星专用访问权限,而地球将许可世界其他地区的数据。 The partner will get dedicated access to the satellites in their region, while Planet will license data for the rest of the world. 这笔交易涵盖建筑工程和五年运营期,在宣布后,行星的股份上升。 The deal covers construction and a five-year operation period, with Planet's shares rising after the announcement.