宾夕法尼亚州州长Shapiro同意与PJM达成价格上限, Pennsylvania Governor Shapiro agrees on a price cap with PJM to prevent an 800% surge in power costs, saving consumers billions.
宾夕法尼亚州州长Josh Shapiro宣布与13个州的电网运营商PJM达成协议, 实施价格上限, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro announced an agreement with PJM, the grid operator for 13 states, to implement a price cap to prevent an 800% increase in power costs, which would have raised utility bills by 30%. 新的上限旨在将费用从每兆瓦每天500美元降低到325美元,节省数十亿消费者。 The new cap aims to lower costs from $500 to $325 per megawatt day, saving consumers billions. 然而,该计划需要联邦批准,并因未解决更深层的市场问题而受到批评。 However, the plan needs federal approval and faces criticism for not addressing deeper market issues.