2024年,由于缺乏寄养家庭,100多名肯塔基州的寄养儿童睡在办公楼。 Over 100 Kentucky foster children slept in office buildings in 2024 due to a lack of foster homes.
在肯塔基州,由于缺少寄养家庭,100多名寄养儿童在州办公大楼过夜,在2024年6月至10月期间,49名儿童在办公室共度过198天。 In Kentucky, over 100 foster children have spent nights in state office buildings due to a lack of foster homes, with 49 children spending a total of 198 days in offices between June and October 2024. 平均逗留时间为四天,有些儿童逗留了十天以上。 The average stay was four days, and some children stayed for over ten days. 这个问题促使人们呼吁进行彻底调查,为短期照料和寄养父母的招募提供更多资金。 The issue has prompted calls for a thorough investigation and more funding for short-term care and foster parent recruitment. 2023年,由于资源短缺,38名肯塔基州儿童甚至被送到州外。 In 2023, 38 Kentucky children were even placed out of state due to resource shortages.