Mosaic Brands是Mills和Noni B的母公司,关闭250多家商店,造成930人失业。 Mosaic Brands, parent of Millers and Noni B, to close over 250 stores, causing 930 job losses.
妇女服装品牌Millers和Noni B的母公司Mosaic Brands没有找到买主,到4月将关闭澳大利亚和新西兰各地250多家商店,造成约930人失业。 Mosaic Brands, the parent company of women's clothing brands Millers and Noni B, has failed to find a buyer and will close over 250 stores across Australia and New Zealand by April, resulting in around 930 job losses. 该公司已经在自愿管理中,以前关闭了凯蒂和里弗斯的品牌。 The company, already in voluntary administration, previously closed the Katies and Rivers brands. 自9月以来,Mosaic的股份从澳大利亚证券交易所被暂停。 Mosaic's shares have been suspended from the Australian Securities Exchange since September.