Marks & Spencer的新裤子因舒适和风格而越来越受欢迎, Marks & Spencer's new trousers gain popularity for comfort and style, priced at £27.50.
时尚记者Bethan Shufflebotham表示, Marks & Spencer的Denim Denim Drastring 宽长Leg Trousers的舒适与风格越来越受欢迎。 Marks & Spencer's Denim Drawstring Wide-Leg Trousers are gaining popularity for their comfort and style, according to fashion reporter Bethan Shufflebotham. 裤子用70%的棉花制成,腰带高,拉绳系紧,适合那些面临浮肿或体重波动的人。 Made from 70% cotton, the trousers feature a high waistband and drawstring fastening, making them suitable for those experiencing bloating or weight fluctuations. 4种颜色的27.50英镑, 他们得到了4.3星级的评分, 因为他们的多才多艺设计适合各种服装。 Available in four colors for £27.50, they have received a 4.3-star rating for their versatile design that suits various outfits.