奥斯汀长角大坝的故障 将Lady Bird Lake的水位降低一英尺 修复正在进行 Malfunction at Austin's Longhorn Dam drops Lady Bird Lake's water levels by a foot; repairs underway.
奥斯汀的长角大坝在例行维修过程中发生故障 导致Lady Bird湖的水位下降一英尺 A malfunction at Austin's Longhorn Dam during routine maintenance has caused Lady Bird Lake's water levels to drop by one foot. Austin Water正在安装阻止水流的临时屏障,并计划在24小时内完成修复。 Austin Water is installing a temporary barrier to stop water flow and plans to complete repairs within 24 hours. 这一事件没有影响当地的供水或废水处理服务。 The incident has not affected local water or wastewater services. 南普莱桑特河谷公路关闭维修,附近社区已接到通知。 South Pleasant Valley Road is closed for repairs, and nearby communities have been notified.