马来西亚承诺在加沙建造学校、医院和清真寺,协助重建努力。 Malaysia pledges to build a school, hospital, and mosque in Gaza, aiding reconstruction efforts.
马来西亚总理安瓦尔·易卜拉欣宣布,马来西亚将通过建造学校、医院和清真寺为加沙的重建作出贡献。 Malaysia's Prime Minister, Anwar Ibrahim, announced that Malaysia will contribute to Gaza's reconstruction by building a school, hospital, and mosque. 该项目将与当地社区和私营部门以及日本政府合作进行。 This project will be done in collaboration with the local community and private sector, alongside the Japanese government. 这项努力旨在向该区域提供基本服务和基础设施支助。 The effort aims to provide essential services and infrastructure support to the region.