Leroy Alexander Wieserspoon Jr. 因南卡罗来纳州Cross三起谋杀案被捕。 Leroy Alexander Witherspoon Jr. was arrested for a triple homicide in Cross, South Carolina.
来自Greenville的67岁男子,Leroy Alexander Wieserspoon Jr.,于1月27日被捕,罪名是南卡罗来纳州Cross发生三起杀人案。 A 67-year-old man from Greenville, Leroy Alexander Witherspoon Jr., was arrested on January 27 in connection with a triple homicide in Cross, South Carolina. 事件发生于1月20日, 三名受害者Thomas Williams、Torrionda Taylor和Marsena Moore被发现在Poplar Hill车道的一所家中因枪伤死亡。 The incident occurred on January 20, when three victims, Thomas Williams, Torrionda Taylor, and Marsena Moore, were found dead from gunshot wounds at a home on Poplar Hill Drive. 威瑟斯庞面临三项谋杀罪和与持有武器有关的指控。 Witherspoon faces three counts of murder and charges related to weapon possession. Berkeley县警长办公室继续调查此案。 The Berkeley County Sheriff's Office continues to investigate the case.