在强劲的收益和股息上调之后,对冲基金尽管出现小幅抛售,但仍增持了 Altria 的股份。 Hedge funds boost stakes in Altria despite minor sell-off, after strong earnings and dividend hike.
几家对冲基金最近增加了对 Altria Group 的股份,尽管 Mount Yale Investment Advisors LLC 略微减持。 Several hedge funds have recently increased their stakes in Altria Group, despite a minor reduction by Mount Yale Investment Advisors LLC. 分析师维持“持有”评级,目标价为 53.43 美元。 Analysts maintain a "Hold" rating with a target price of $53.43. 奥驰亚报告称,第四季度每股收益为 1.38 美元,强于预期,季度股息提高至 1.02 美元,收益率为 7.65%。 Altria reported a stronger-than-expected Q4 earnings of $1.38 EPS and increased its quarterly dividend to $1.02, yielding 7.65%. 该公司市值为 904.3 亿美元,生产万宝路和 NJOY ACE 等品牌的烟草产品。 The company, with a market cap of $90.43 billion, manufactures tobacco products under brands like Marlboro and NJOY ACE.