哈利法克斯解释了ISA规则:客户可以每年为多个ISA提供高达20,000英的资金,其中包括一个现金ISA. Halifax explains ISA rules: Customers can fund various ISAs up to £20,000 yearly, including one cash ISA.
哈利法克斯澄清说,虽然客户每年只能为一项现金ISA做出贡献,但他们可以在年限20,000英内为其他类型的ISA提供资金,例如股票和股票,终身和创新金融ISA. Halifax clarified that while customers can only contribute to one cash ISA per tax year, they can fund other types of ISAs, such as stocks and shares, Lifetime, and Innovative Finance ISAs, within their £20,000 annual limit. 允许重新激活现有ISA,不影响对其他ISA类型的贡献. Reactivating an existing ISA is allowed and does not affect contributions to other ISA types. 此外,哈利法克斯的《儿童月度储蓄计划》允许每月存款10至100英镑。 Additionally, Halifax's Kids' Monthly Saver allows deposits of £10 to £100 per month.