格鲁吉亚立法者不顾州长的反对, 仍推行两党医疗援助计划扩大法案。 Georgia lawmakers push bipartisan Medicaid expansion bill despite governor's opposition.
格鲁吉亚民主党正在推动扩大医疗援助计划,由4名共和党参议员支持,旨在根据《负担得起的护理法》覆盖更多居民。 Georgia Democrats are pushing to expand Medicaid, backed by four Republican senators, aiming to cover more residents under the Affordable Care Act. 尽管Brian Kemp总督反对全面扩张, 一项两党法案, 即PeachCare Plus法, 提议让病人加入私人保险计划, Despite Governor Brian Kemp's opposition to full expansion, a bipartisan bill, the PeachCare Plus Act, proposes enrolling patients into private insurance plans, similar to Arkansas' model. 维护者认为,这种办法比目前的方案更有效,但法案面临政治障碍和不确定的未来。 Advocates argue this approach would be more efficient than current programs, but the bill faces political hurdles and an uncertain future.