法国调查员调查2019年至2024年期间涉嫌洗钱、税务欺诈的Binance案。 French investigators probe Binance for alleged money laundering, tax fraud from 2019 to 2024.
法国调查员对Binance这个世界上最大的加密货币交易所,对洗钱、税务欺诈和其他收费问题进行了司法调查。 French investigators have opened a judicial probe into Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, over money laundering, tax fraud, and other charges. 调查涉及2019年至2024年期间法国和整个欧盟在用户对投资损失提出投诉后犯下的罪行。 The investigation covers offenses in France and across the EU from 2019 to 2024, following user complaints of investment losses. Binance否认这些指控,并发誓要与指控抗争。 Binance denies the allegations and vows to fight the charges. 交换在多个国家面临法律挑战。 The exchange faces legal challenges in multiple countries.