前NFL教练Chuck Pagano 返回巴尔的摩乌鸦 支持他们挣扎的防御 Former NFL coach Chuck Pagano returns to the Baltimore Ravens to bolster their struggling defense.
前NFL教练Chuck Pagano 将返回巴尔的摩乌鸦 成为约翰·哈博的高中教练 Former NFL coach Chuck Pagano is returning to the Baltimore Ravens as their senior secondary coach under John Harbaugh. 64岁的Pagano, 2008年至2010年曾教过Ravens中学, 2012年至2017年后来成为Indianapolis Colts的首席教练。 Pagano, 64, previously coached the Ravens' secondary from 2008 to 2010 and later became head coach of the Indianapolis Colts from 2012 to 2017. 他将帮助改善球队苦苦挣扎的传球防守,上赛季球队在联盟中排名倒数第二。 He will help improve the team's struggling passing defense, which ranked second-worst in the league last season. 帕加诺的归来 是拉文斯加强防御的一部分 Pagano's return is part of the Ravens' effort to bolster their defense.