联邦对改善库斯湾港的赠款由于可能冻结而面临不确定性。 Federal grants for Port of Coos Bay improvements face uncertainty due to potential freeze.
俄勒冈州库斯湾港预计将获得5 470万美元的联邦赠款,用于码头和铁路改善。 The Port of Coos Bay, Oregon, is expecting $54.7 million in federal grants for terminal and railroad improvements. 但是,由于计划冻结所有联邦赠款,资金有风险,这是一名美国地区法官暂时停止的一项行动。 However, the funding is at risk due to plans to freeze all federal grants, a move temporarily halted by a US District Judge. 港口的执行主任Melissa Cribbins希望该项目将获得支持,因为它与美国的优先事项一致,但正在准备可能冻结资金。 The port's executive director, Melissa Cribbins, is hopeful that the project will receive support as it aligns with American priorities, but is preparing for potential funding freezes. 联邦机构必须在2月10日前向管理和预算办公室报告暂停筹资的影响。 Federal agencies must report to the Office of Management and Budget by February 10th on the impact of the funding pause.