圣丹斯电影节的一部新僵尸电影《没死》(Didn't Die)聚焦世界末日中的人类戏剧。 "Didn't Die," a new zombie film at Sundance, focuses on human drama amid the apocalypse.
导演 Meera Menon 的电影《Didn't Die》在圣丹斯电影节上首映。 "Didn't Die," a film by director Meera Menon, premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. 在僵尸世界末日中,它侧重于幸存者的人类戏剧,而不是典型的恐怖元素。 Set in a zombie apocalypse, it focuses on survivors' human drama rather than typical horror elements. 故事紧随着一个播客主持人维尼蒂亚和她的兄弟, 他们正在应付内斗和道德困境。 The story follows Vinitia, a podcast host, and her brother as they cope with in-fighting and ethical dilemmas. 黑白风格向经典的僵尸电影致敬, 但故事有时感觉很分散, The black-and-white style pays homage to classic zombie films, but the narrative sometimes feels scattered despite its fresh take on the genre.