芝加哥市长办公室没有报告超过50美元的礼物,引起对透明度的担忧。 Chicago Mayor's Office failed to report gifts over $50, sparking concerns over transparency.
根据监察主任办公室的一份新报告,芝加哥市长办公室一直接受礼物,但没有适当报告。 The Chicago Mayor's Office has been accepting gifts without properly reporting them, according to a new report by the Office of Inspector General. 报告发现,价值50美元以上、代表该市接受的礼品应予登录并公布,但市长办公室没有这样做。 The report found that gifts worth over $50, accepted on behalf of the city, should be logged and made public, but the Mayor's Office failed to do so. OIG建议市长办公室遵守公共报告规则,而市长办公室同意允许按任命进行检查。 The OIG recommends the Mayor's Office comply with public reporting rules, while the Mayor's Office agreed to allow inspections with appointments. OIG说,这种缺乏透明度的情况侵蚀了公众的信任。 This lack of transparency, the OIG says, erodes public trust.