Bonnie Tyler 73岁的 Bonnie Tyler 谈论她的长期婚姻 和新单曲《英国早安》 玩弄主持人Richard Madeley Bonnie Tyler, 73, chats about her long marriage and new single on "Good Morning Britain," playfully teasing host Richard Madeley.
歌手Bonnie Tyler夸奖主持人Richard Madeley, 导致他脸红。 During a segment on "Good Morning Britain," singer Bonnie Tyler playfully complimented host Richard Madeley, causing him to blush. Bonnie 73岁 讨论她51年的婚姻 承认她喜欢和她丈夫 80岁的前奥林匹克青年竞争对手Robert Sullivan 一起旅行 Bonnie, 73, discussed her 51-year marriage, crediting her long relationship to her love of traveling with her husband, former Olympic Judo competitor Robert Sullivan, 80. 采访也宣传Bonnie的新单词“是的,我可以”, 包括主持人和客人之间明亮的嘲讽。 The interview, which also promoted Bonnie's new single, "Yes I Can," included lighthearted banter between the hosts and guest.