Bollywood女演员Shruti Haasan在好莱坞首演 "眼"的心理刺激片 Bollywood actress Shruti Haasan to debut in Hollywood with psychological thriller "The Eye."
Shruti Haasan,一个以她在宝莱坞和南印度电影中作品而闻名的女演员, 准备在《眼》的心理刺激片中, 让她在好莱坞首演。 Shruti Haasan, an actress known for her work in Bollywood and South Indian films, is set to make her Hollywood debut in the psychological thriller "The Eye." 电影导演Daphne Schmon(Daphne Schmon)在她2025年1月28日生日时首次展示了Haasan的性格, The film's director, Daphne Schmon, revealed the first look of Haasan’s character, Diana, on her birthday, January 28, 2025. “眼”已经在希腊国际电影节和伦敦独立电影节获得认可。 "The Eye" has already received recognition at the Greek International Film Festival and the London Independent Film Festival. 此外,Haasan 正在制作即将上映的泰米尔电影《苦力》,该片由 Lokesh Kanagaraj 执导,Rajinikanth 主演。 Additionally, Haasan is working on the upcoming Tamil film "Coolie," directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj and starring Rajinikanth.