当局发现一名65岁的男子在Hindley的家中死亡;死因不明。 Authorities found a 65-year-old man dead in his home in Hindley; cause of death unclear.
1月27日,在向当局报告的福利检查后,发现一名65岁的男子在Wigan Hindley的家中死亡。 A 65-year-old man was found dead in his home in Hindley, Wigan, on January 27th, following a welfare check reported to authorities. 包括警察和消防人员在内的应急部门在上午11时45分对现场作出反应,发现这名男子在强行进入财产后死亡。 Emergency services, including police and fire crews, responded to the scene at 11:45 am and found the man deceased after forcibly entering the property. 死亡原因目前未加解释,正在调查之中。 The cause of death is currently unexplained and under investigation.