Greg Gorman拍卖名人肖像, 为受野火影响的音乐家募集资金。 Auction of celebrity portraits by Greg Gorman raises funds for wildfire-affected musicians.
摄影师格雷格·戈尔曼 (Greg Gorman) 为黛比·哈里 (Debbie Harry)、大卫·鲍伊 (David Bowie) 和格蕾丝·琼斯 (Grace Jones) 创作的肖像正在洛杉矶的 Giorgio's Discotheque 拍卖,为 MusiCares 的救火工作筹集资金,支持受加州野火影响的音乐家。 Portraits of Debbie Harry, David Bowie, and Grace Jones by photographer Greg Gorman are being auctioned by Giorgio's Discotheque in Los Angeles to raise funds for MusiCares' fire relief efforts, supporting musicians affected by California wildfires. 拍卖活动持续到星期五上午1时,其特色是肖像画,最初价格3 500美元用于Harry,22 500美元用于Bowie,12 500美元用于Jones。 The auction, running until Friday at 1 a.m. PT, features portraits with starting prices of $3,500 for Harry, $22,500 for Bowie, and $12,500 for Jones. 更多详情可在 找到. More details are available at