在罗德岛Woonsocket,一名4岁女孩和一名妇女被一辆汽车撞伤,受重伤。 A 4-year-old girl and a woman were seriously injured when hit by a car in Woonsocket, Rhode Island.
在罗得岛的Woonsocket,一名4岁女孩和一名妇女在哈姆雷特中学附近被一辆汽车撞伤时受重伤。 In Woonsocket, Rhode Island, a 4-year-old girl and a woman were seriously injured when hit by a car near Hamlet Middle School. 司机在撞雪银行后失去控制。 The driver lost control after hitting a snow bank. 这名女孩被从Landmark医疗中心空运到Hasbro儿童医院,而该妇女则被送往罗德岛医院。 The girl was airlifted to Hasbro Children's Hospital from Landmark Medical, while the woman was taken to Rhode Island Hospital. 司机仍留在现场,正与警方合作。 The driver remained at the scene and is cooperating with police.