Tesco推出新的百事可乐口味、草莓和Cream以及Cream Soda, Tesco introduces new Pepsi flavors, Strawberries & Cream and Cream Soda, receiving mixed reactions from shoppers.
Tesco引进了两种新的百事可乐口味,即草莓和Cream和Cream Soda,这些口味引起了顾客的混合反应。 Tesco has introduced two new Pepsi flavors, Strawberries & Cream and Cream Soda, which have sparked mixed reactions from shoppers. 有些顾客对新口味很兴奋, 特别是草莓和Cream口味, 其他人则认为这些口味不令人印象深刻, Some customers are excited about the new tastes, particularly the Strawberries & Cream flavor, while others find them unimpressive or dislike the combinations. 之所以发射,是因为限量饮料苏打汽水的口味仍然是消费者感兴趣的一个点。 The launch comes as limited-edition soda flavors continue to be a point of interest for consumers.