印度最高法院否认对试图识别亲生父亲的人进行DNA测试,将隐私列为优先事项。 Supreme Court of India denies DNA test to man seeking to identify biological father, prioritizing privacy.
印度最高法院最近裁定,一名试图确定亲生父亲身份的23岁男子要求进行DNA测试,该男子声称其出生是由于其母亲的婚外关系造成的,因此印度最高法院最近裁定不予进行DNA检测。 The Supreme Court of India recently ruled against a DNA test requested by a 23-year-old man seeking to establish his biological father's identity, claiming his birth resulted from his mother's extramarital affair. 法院强调,在了解自己生物起源的权利与保护个人隐私和尊严之间保持平衡。 The court emphasized balancing the right to know one's biological origins with protecting an individual's privacy and dignity. 该决定强调了隐私的重要性以及此类测试可能造成的社会污名化和名誉损害。 The decision underscores the importance of privacy and the potential social stigma and reputational harm from such tests.