快速KL公司在吉隆坡启动了四条新的 " 供求 " 公共汽车线路,以加强公共交通的一体化。 Rapid KL launches four new On-Demand bus routes to enhance public transit integration in Kuala Lumpur.
" 快速KL " 正在扩大其 " 现需 " 服务,从2月1日起使用四条新路线。 Rapid KL is expanding its On-Demand service with four new routes starting February 1. 新的线路连接Taman Desa至Jalan Klang Lama,LRT Bangsar至Taman Bandaraya,MRT Putrajaya Sentral至Presint 11,Taman Genting Setapak至Setapak。 The new routes connect Taman Desa to Jalan Klang Lama, LRT Bangsar to Taman Bandaraya, MRT Putrajaya Sentral to Presint 11, and Taman Genting Setapak to Setapak. 这项服务使用公交车道,可通过若干应用程序预订,每次行程的票价为1马吉特。 The service uses bus lanes and can be booked via several apps, with fares at RM1 per journey. 这一扩展旨在缩短等候时间,改善与铁路服务的一体化,使自2023年5月试验以来每天2 000多名乘客受益。 This expansion aims to reduce waiting times and improve integration with rail services, benefiting over 2,000 daily passengers since its May 2023 trial.