广播电台正在根据听众的反馈进行技术调查,以改善内容和用户经验。 Radio stations are conducting tech surveys to improve content and user experience based on listener feedback.
几个广播电台,包括HD98.3、KICKS 99和WGAC,正在进行年度技术调查,以更好地了解听众的偏好以及各种娱乐和新闻技术的使用情况。 Several radio stations, including HD 98.3, KICKS 99, and WGAC, are conducting annual tech surveys to better understand their listeners' preferences and usage of various technologies for entertainment and news. 这些调查涵盖电台、社交媒体、智能手机、平板电脑、流体和网络等专题。 The surveys cover topics like radio, social media, smartphones, tablets, streaming, and the web. 预计需要15至25分钟,调查将保证保密,并力求根据听众的反馈,提高电台的内容和用户经验。 Expected to take 15-25 minutes, the surveys promise confidentiality and aim to enhance the stations' content and user experience based on listener feedback.