父母被指控在双胞胎(15岁)后危及儿童,发现他们严重营养不良和受虐待。 Parents charged with child endangerment after twins, 15, were found severely malnourished and abused.
Joshua和Tracy Dechant(宾夕法尼亚州下Macungie镇的Tracy Dechant)在发现他们15岁的双胞胎儿子严重营养不良(体重只有53和55磅)后,被指控犯有两起危害儿童的重罪。 Joshua and Tracy Dechant, of Lower Macungie Township, Pennsylvania, have been charged with two counts of felony child endangerment after their 15-year-old twin sons were found severely malnourished, weighing only 53 and 55 pounds. 据称,这些男孩得不到食物和水,被迫用一条毯子睡在地板上,并被迫赤身裸体地站在外面,在寒冷的温度下被处以惩罚。 The boys were allegedly denied food and water, forced to sleep on the floor with one blanket, and made to stand outside naked in freezing temperatures as punishment. 这对夫妇每人以75 000美元的保释金获释,定于2月进行初步听证。 The couple was released on $75,000 bail each and is scheduled for a preliminary hearing in February.