巴基斯坦法院驳回了Imran Khan在2023年5月抗议攻击案中的无罪辩护。 Pakistani court rejects Imran Khan's acquittal plea in May 2023 protest attacks case.
拉瓦尔品第的反恐法院驳回了Imran Khan在与2023年5月9日巴基斯坦暴力抗议事件有关的总部总攻击案中无罪开释的抗辩。 An Anti-Terrorism Court in Rawalpindi has rejected Imran Khan's acquittal plea in the General Headquarters attack case related to violent protests in Pakistan on May 9, 2023. 法院驳回抗辩,辩称审判正在进行之中,12名证人的证据已记录在案。 The court dismissed the plea, arguing that the trial is ongoing and evidence from 12 witnesses has been recorded. 汗和其他 PTI 领导人因该事件面临多项指控,该事件见证了暴力冲突和对军事设施的袭击。 Khan and other PTI leaders face multiple charges from the incident, which saw violent clashes and attacks on military installations.