尼日利亚部队在追捕恐怖分子Bello Turji时收缴了武器,并逮捕了一名 " 博科哈拉姆 " 组织绑架者Grema。 Nigerian forces seized weapons and arrested a Boko Haram kidnapper, Grema, while seeking terrorist Bello Turji.
尼日利亚安全部队根据关于尼日尔共和国军火商的情报,于1月26日至27日在赞法拉州截获了包括机关枪和步枪在内的武器藏匿点。 Nigerian security forces intercepted a cache of weapons in Zamfara State, including machine guns and rifles, on January 26-27, based on intelligence about arms dealers from Niger Republic. 在另一起事件中,尼日利亚军队在塔拉巴州逮捕了涉嫌参与绑架勒索赎金的博科哈拉姆组织成员Gambo Grema。 In a separate incident, the Nigerian Army arrested Gambo Grema, a suspected Boko Haram member involved in kidnapping for ransom, in Taraba State. Grema供认为恐怖主义集团设立了一个新小组。 Grema confessed to establishing a new cell for the terrorist group. 安全部队还正在追击恐怖分子Bello Turji,并敦促公众提供援助,协助他们的努力。 Security forces are also pursuing terrorist Bello Turji, with public assistance urged to aid in the efforts.