密歇根州的男子篮球队 攀升到诺 7,而密歇根州在AP的排名中排在前25位之外。 Michigan State's men's basketball team climbs to No. 7, while Michigan falls out of AP Top 25 rankings.
密歇根州立大学男子篮球队 升格为No. Michigan State University's men's basketball team rose to No. AP排名第25位第7位,而密歇根大学的队伍完全脱离了排名。 7 in the AP Top 25 rankings, while the University of Michigan's team fell out of the rankings entirely. 这一转变突出表明了MSU的绩效的改善以及U-M最近在大学篮球比赛中的斗争。 This shift highlights the improving performance of MSU and the recent struggles of U-M in college basketball.