Leslie Archambault因在格鲁吉亚领导一个处方欺诈集团被判处15年徒刑。 Leslie Archambault sentenced to 15 years for leading a prescription fraud ring in Georgia.
Leslie Joann Archambault, 49岁,因在佐治亚切罗基县领导一个处方诈骗团伙,被判处15年徒刑,3年监禁,12年缓刑。 Leslie Joann Archambault, 49, has been sentenced to 15 years, with three years in prison and 12 on probation, for leading a prescription fraud ring in Cherokee County, Georgia. 该团伙利用被盗医生处方垫非法获取阿德罗尔和氢可酮等药物。 The group used a stolen doctor's prescription pad to illegally obtain drugs like Adderall and Hydrocodone. 该团体中另有5人被缓刑2至3年不等。 Five others in the group received probation ranging from two to three years. 当地执法部门于2022年9月发现这一欺诈行为。 The fraud was uncovered by local law enforcement in September 2022.