律师事务所寻求强制令,阻止加拿大早日执行拟议的提高资本收益税。 Law firm seeks injunction to block early implementation of proposed higher capital gains tax in Canada.
不列颠哥伦比亚省一家律师事务所已发出禁令,阻止加拿大税务局在议会通过拟议的资本收益税增税之前强制执行。 A British Columbia law firm has filed an injunction to prevent the Canada Revenue Agency from enforcing a proposed capital gains tax hike before it is passed by Parliament. 自由政府春季预算旨在将资本收益的税率从一半提高到三分之二,影响到收入超过250 000美元的个人。 The Liberal government's spring budget aims to increase the tax rate on capital gains from one-half to two-thirds, affecting individuals with earnings over $250,000. 尽管提案尚未成为法律,但庇护上诉委员会计划强制执行这一修改,除非议会恢复并发出其他信号。 Despite the proposal not yet being law, the CRA plans to enforce the change unless Parliament resumes and signals otherwise. 律师事务所设法保持目前的税率。 The law firm seeks to keep the current tax rate in place.