Jonas兄弟正在主演一部新的Disney+圣诞电影, The Jonas Brothers are starring in a new Disney+ Christmas movie, set for release this holiday season.
Jonas兄弟准备在Disney+圣诞喜剧电影《Jonas兄弟圣诞电影》中出演, 他们试图从伦敦回到纽约过圣诞节。 The Jonas Brothers are set to star in a Disney+ Christmas comedy movie, titled "Jonas Brothers Christmas Movie," where they attempt to return from London to New York for Christmas. 这部影片包括Justin Tranter的原创歌曲,将在2025年节假日发行。 The film includes original songs by Justin Tranter and will be released in the 2025 holiday season. 一部短短的视频短片“爱实际上”宣布了这部电影。 A short video spoofing "Love Actually" announced the movie.