爱荷华州考虑五年内禁止新赌场的法案, 影响到275M Cedar Rapids项目。 Iowa considers bill to ban new casinos for five years, affecting a $275M Cedar Rapids project.
爱荷华州立法者正在考虑一项法案,该法案将对新的国家许可赌场实行五年暂停,可能阻碍在锡达拉皮兹建造一个2.75亿美元的赌场。 Iowa lawmakers are considering a bill that would impose a five-year moratorium on new state-licensed casinos, potentially blocking a proposed $275 million casino in Cedar Rapids. 如果该法案获得通过,将防止爱荷华州比赛和赌博委员会发放新牌照,直到2030年6月30日,并将制定标准,规定如果执照对现有赌场收入造成超过10%的不利影响,可拒绝发放执照。 The bill, if passed, would prevent the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission from issuing new licenses until June 30, 2030, and would set criteria to deny licenses if they negatively impact existing casinos' revenues by more than 10%. Cedar Rapids赌场的支持者认为,这将创造就业机会,促进当地经济,而反对者则担心这会损害附近的赌场。 Supporters of the Cedar Rapids casino argue it would create jobs and boost the local economy, while opponents worry it would harm nearby casinos.