印度寻找新的SEBI主席,取代Madhabi Puri Buch, 申请应于2月17日提交。 India seeks new SEBI Chairperson, replacing Madhabi Puri Buch, with applications due by Feb 17.
在Madhabi Puri Buch于2月28日任期届满后,印度政府开始申请设立新的SEBI(印度证券和外汇局)主席职位。 The Indian government has opened applications for a new SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) Chairperson, following the end of Madhabi Puri Buch's term on February 28. 申请于2月17日前到期。 Applications are due by February 17. Buch是第一位担任SEBI负责人的妇女,她面临利益冲突指控。 Buch, the first woman to head SEBI, faced conflict of interest allegations. 新任主席的任期最长为五年或直至65岁,每月工资为5,62,500英镑。 The new chairperson will serve for up to five years or until age 65, with a salary of ₹5,62,500 per month. 该职位需要高度正直和25年以上的专业经验。 The position requires high integrity and over 25 years of professional experience.