海得拉巴的PURE EV和法国BE能源伙伴开发在印度节省成本的EV电池更新技术。 Hyderabad's PURE EV and French BE Energy partner to develop cost-saving EV battery reconditioning tech in India.
海得拉巴的PURE EV和法国的BE Energy公司合作开发先进的电动车辆锂离子电池改造技术。 Hyderabad's PURE EV and French firm BE Energy have partnered to develop advanced lithium-ion battery reconditioning technology for electric vehicles. 这种合作将减少对新电池的需求,从而为EV所有者带来长期成本节约,并支持印度的可持续性目标。 This collaboration will reduce the need for new batteries, leading to long-term cost savings for EV owners and supporting India's sustainability goals. 根据印度的"印度制造"倡议, 首个设施将于明年在海德拉巴开放. The first facility will open in Hyderabad next fiscal year, in line with India's 'Make in India' initiative.