逃犯科迪·霍克里奇 (Cody Hockridge) 追捕导致乘客死亡的逃跑车祸;1,500 美元的小费奖励。 Fugitive Cody Hockridge sought after fleeing crash that killed passenger; $1,500 reward for tips.
警方正在寻找密歇根州卡尔卡斯卡县的Cody Hockridge, 他于去年七月与一辆半卡车撞车后逃离。 Police are searching for Cody Hockridge from Kalkaska County, Michigan, who fled after his vehicle collided with a semi-truck last July. 这次坠机是Hockridge开着停车牌造成的 导致他的乘客Timothy Earl Alberts死亡 The crash, caused by Hockridge running a stop sign, led to the death of his passenger, Timothy Earl Alberts. 已经发出了重罪逮捕令,他的家人为他被捕的情报提供1 500美元的奖励。 A felony warrant has been issued, and his family offers a $1,500 reward for information leading to his capture. 当局警告说,援助Hokridge可能会导致重罪指控。 Authorities warn that aiding Hockridge could result in felony charges. 提示可以在线或拨打231-258-3350提交。 Tips can be submitted online or by calling 231-258-3350.