5岁的Silas J. Moser被困在一个谷仓里,被埋在一片已倒塌的干草泥里后死亡。 Five-year-old Silas J. Moser died after being trapped under a fallen hay bale in a barn.
纽约迦太基州五岁的Silas J. Moser在1月26日被困在一个谷仓中, Five-year-old Silas J. Moser from Carthage, NY, tragically died after being trapped under a fallen hay bale in a barn on January 26. 急救人员试图救他,但他在刘易斯郡医院被宣布死亡。 Emergency responders attempted to save him, but he was pronounced dead at Lewis County Hospital. 当局怀疑干草包落在了他身上,但官方死因已安排进行尸检。 Authorities suspect the hay bale fell on him, though an autopsy is scheduled for an official cause of death. 社区正在哀悼失去的亲人,并向家人表示哀悼。 The community is mourning the loss, and condolences are being offered to the family.