Cheshire警方寻找在Maccclesfield Forest与妇女接触的男子;嫌疑人20年代到30岁。 Cheshire police seek man who exposed himself to women in Macclesfield Forest; suspect in 20s-30s.
Cheshire的警察正在寻找一名男子,他在过去几个月里向Maccclesfield森林中的妇女暴露了自己。 Police in Cheshire are searching for a man who has exposed himself to women in Macclesfield Forest over the past few months. 嫌犯被描述为20至30岁的白人男性,头发黑发。 The suspect is described as a white male in his 20s to 30s with dark hair. 警方敦促公众在发现他时打电话给999,通过What3Words App提供其位置。 Police urge the public to call 999 if they spot him, providing their location via the What3Words app. 要求那些掌握信息的人与Cheshire警察局联系,联系地址是101或匿名犯罪制止者。 Those with information are asked to contact Cheshire Police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously.