Budweiser的超级碗LIX广告 专门设计了克莱德斯代尔的公牛 首次送啤酒 Budweiser's Super Bowl LIX ad features a Clydesdale foal making its debut beer delivery.
Budweiser的超级碗LIX广告名为“首次交付”, 其特色是克莱德斯代尔Foal首次交付啤酒桶, 标志着在十多年来, 一只鹅首次在Budweiser超级碗广告中亮相。 Budweiser's Super Bowl LIX commercial, titled "First Delivery," features a Clydesdale foal making its first beer keg delivery, marking the first time a foal has starred in a Budweiser Super Bowl ad in over a decade. 该广告由亨利·亚历克斯·鲁宾 (Henry Alex Rubin) 执导,突出了这匹小马驹尽管体型小,但仍决心加入成年马的交付。 The ad, directed by Henry Alex Rubin, highlights the foal's determination in joining the adult horses' delivery despite its small size. 广告将于2月9日播出, 百威克莱德斯代尔(Budweiser Clydesdales)在比赛前也在新奥尔良露面。 The commercial is set to air on February 9th, with the Budweiser Clydesdales also making appearances in New Orleans before the game.