BBC的"谁是医生"增加了包括Ncuti Gatwa在内的多元编剧团队, BBC's Doctor Who adds diverse writing team including Ncuti Gatwa for new series in 2025.
以Ncuti Gatwa为主, 英国广播公司为即将推出的第二系列《谁是医生》揭幕了一个新的写作团队。 The BBC has unveiled a new writing team for the upcoming second series of Doctor Who, featuring Ncuti Gatwa. 与剧集主管罗素·戴维斯 (Russell T Davies) 一起出演的还有《这本书是同性恋》的作者朱诺·道森 (Juno Dawson)、衍生剧《陆地与海洋之间的战争》(The War Between The Land And The Sea) 的执行制片人皮特·麦克蒂格 (Pete McTighe),以及编剧夏尔马·安吉尔-沃尔法尔 (Sharma Angel-Walfall) 和伊努阿·埃拉姆斯 (Inua Ellams)。 Joining showrunner Russell T Davies are Juno Dawson, author of "This Book Is Gay," Pete McTighe, executive producer for the spin-off "The War Between The Land And The Sea," and writers Sharma Angel-Walfall and Inua Ellams. 预计本季将是迄今为止最"狂野和最激动人心的", The season is expected to be the most "wild and exciting" yet, with a diverse lineup of voices from various media backgrounds.