宇航员Sunita Williams在空间待了近七个月后,由于延迟返回,在步行方面挣扎不已。 Astronaut Sunita Williams struggles to walk after nearly seven months in space, due to delayed return.
宇航员苏尼塔·威廉姆斯 (Sunita Williams) 在国际空间站度过了近七个月,她与母校的学生分享说,由于在零重力下的时间延长,她正在努力记住如何走路。 Astronaut Sunita Williams, spending nearly seven months on the International Space Station, shared with students from her alma mater that she is struggling to remember how to walk due to extended time in zero gravity. 威廉姆斯和她的同事最初本应在太空停留8至10天,但与星轮号航天器有关的问题推迟了他们的返回。 Williams and her colleague were initially supposed to be in space for just 8 to 10 days, but issues with the Starliner spacecraft have delayed their return. 现在预计他们将在3月底或4月返回,届时他们将在SpaceX 10号机组的接替人员准备发射时返回。 They are now expected to return in late March or April when their replacements aboard SpaceX Crew-10 are set to launch. 尽管面临挑战,Williams说,她正在享受这种经历,并定期与家人保持联系。 Despite the challenges, Williams said she is enjoying the experience and stays connected with her family regularly.