乌克兰诈骗者利用俄罗斯养老金领取者的恐惧,诱骗他们攻击自动取款机取回资金。 Ukrainian scammers exploit Russian pensioners' fear, tricking them into attacking ATMs to retrieve funds.
乌克兰诈骗者利用恐惧和紧迫感,欺骗俄罗斯的养老金领取者袭击自动取款机。 Ukrainian scammers are tricking Russian pensioners into attacking ATMs by exploiting fear and urgency. 诈骗者要求受害者要么转移资金,要么披露银行进入密码,威胁除非受害者打击特定目标,否则不归还资金。 The scammers demand victims either transfer money or reveal bank access codes, threatening not to return the funds unless the victim strikes a specified target. 随着骗局升级,俄罗斯当局已禁止互联网通话,并安装了安全摄像头,以防止进一步的攻击。 With the scam escalating, Russian authorities have banned internet calls and installed security cameras to prevent further attacks.