两名司机在萨里Shepperton路多车辆坠毁事件中死亡;道路仍然关闭。 Two drivers died in a multi-vehicle crash on Shepperton Road, Surrey; roads remain closed.
星期一清晨,两名司机在萨里Shepperton路(Surrey)的多车辆碰撞中丧生。 Two drivers were killed in a multiple-vehicle collision on Shepperton Road in Surrey early Monday morning. 萨里警察和应急部门对大约早上7时的坠机事件作出反应,导致几条道路关闭。 Surrey Police and emergency services responded to the crash around 7 AM, leading to several road closures. 警方正在寻找目击证人和破摄像头录像,以协助调查。 The police are seeking witnesses and dashcam footage to aid their investigation. 截至下午,受影响道路仍然关闭。 As of the afternoon, the affected roads remained closed.