3月5日至6日, 以悲伤为主题的获奖节目《治疗:音乐剧》来到黑斯廷斯。 "Therapy: The Musical," an award-winning show about grief, comes to Hastings on March 5-6.
关于悲伤和创伤的获奖节目"治疗:音乐剧"将于3月5日和6日在海斯廷斯奥宾现场剧院举行. "Therapy: The Musical," an award-winning show about grief and trauma, is coming to Hastings at Aubyn Live Theatre on March 5 and 6. 这部音乐剧由切尔西·希汉·盖格 (Chelsea Sheehan-Gaiger) 编剧,并与她的音乐伴奏马里奥·萨德拉·德· (Mario Sadra-de Jong) 合作演出,首次在2024年达尼丁边缘音乐节上亮相,并获得了新西兰边缘巡回演出奖. Written by Chelsea Sheehan-Gaiger and performed with her musical accompanist Mario Sadra-de Jong, the musical debuted at the Dunedin Fringe Festival in 2024, winning the New Zealand Fringe Touring Award. 该节目借鉴了个人经验,是在Sheehan-Gaiger的研究生学习期间开发的。 The show draws from personal experiences and was developed during Sheehan-Gaiger's postgraduate studies.