Sterling K. Brown恒星在Hulu的新系列“Paradise”, 一个在地下掩体中的奇异的神秘人物。 Sterling K. Brown stars in Hulu's new series "Paradise," a sci-fi mystery set in an underground bunker.
Sterling K. Brown Stars in "Paradise", Hulu的新科幻片系列,由“这是我们”创作者Dan Fogelman创作。 Sterling K. Brown stars in "Paradise," a new sci-fi thriller series on Hulu, created by "This Is Us" creator Dan Fogelman. Brown扮演Xavier Collins 特勤局特工 成为谋杀Cal Bradford总统的主要嫌疑人 Brown plays Xavier Collins, a Secret Service agent who becomes the prime suspect in the murder of President Cal Bradford. 剧中的剧情曲折 当人物被揭露 生活在一个高度控制的地下掩体里 增加了神秘的层层 The show's plot twists when characters are revealed to be living in a highly controlled underground bunker, adding layers to the mystery. 系列承诺以第八集来解答其核心奥秘。 The series promises answers to its central mysteries by its eighth episode.